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SATURDAY MAY 14 912 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER PAGE ELEVEN Birds Sing Today Katz Goes Net Akron Tied to Mast bskel bunches Radio Programs basket baskets Be tor Band UWJ WGY washM fl 4 Southern Sinters chatter 11:15 ireman Dies of Old Jdir 20 3 olliet 15 9 qane guanllatei) in Al wholesale will EED fin a full ail oat and nnrr MARINE NEWS 0:45 and A LIVE STOCK MARKET :5 to 25U 350 63 ear limited numbers lemperauirejsame dale last year 499 Meteorological Report 500 Station "'cat her 5U0 400 tn 375 to 150 to 325 and medium 200 350 150 50 to 16 12 74 1 id 0 0 0 56 0 74 06 6 64 Service excellent program 1 10 70 14 0 3 60 64 6 1050 350 to 1U 1 16 am and 3o0 370 to 60 and 30 370 to and 60 3bli 370 to 10 6 370 350 to IL Today 360 350 325 to By Edgar Rice Burroughs In the orest TARZAN AND THE ANT MEN 42 Reechbay older male vv pul nertjilOay rou Underwood 5:00 30 Manitoba 10:00 that They changed in the city of the Ant Men Aerial Installed 195 RECOUNTS SAVINGS MADE DY URNACE 9 10 pm 9 15 pm 250 in 150 to turned He will 700 6u0 550 76 70 0 () inff an her lbs) medium 1b common and with 6 0 morning however of the Cleveland will talk on bird still 0 0 Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop DOWN (Livingstone Channel) 5 5 500 to I 450 to 5 OU tn 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 tUceiald Jaffray 500 450 (90 lb down) and choice de dc 56 66 70 5 06 0 ratTaylnr I incouie A'eybum Smith 10 64 62 si) 7S errite Winona Knckcliffe Hall Poplarbav EaHrseliffe Hall Taylor RASPBERRIES NOW IN THE MARKETS each 75 ORT Samian 7 pm 745 pm 625 45U Mc Panoit '6 WASHINGTON May The naval airship Lns Angeles will be decommissioned and placed out of service at the Lakehurst naval air station June 30 The airship now eight years old was received by the American gov ernment from Germany as after the World War Its personnel of 70 will be trans ferred to the general naval service The navy will save Dually by the decommissioning Were Loomis Alpena Easton Allen Pat Harrington in New ollies Through WHK tmr Prop Prop Prop Prop 63 53 47 The dirigible a few minutes and returned field where it was finally tied mast at 7 05 crews totaling about 100 men 1 45 am 2:30 am 3:30 am CIMIXVITI HLW (700) (IU flUll) to variable Saturday Scientific Equipment on Ships and Land Aid Lake Navigation tn a Republic Official Testifies to Economy in Stock Suit Loomis Burhn trn Simeohte 1 Newbrun oc Lout! McMnney lorida Grapefruit Season Drawing to Close Water melons Down 150 cartons 12s and 15s rihin Jo lb bakeu tnotly 25 7 Pietro Snyder a Orrhtra 7 Rus Band nha Theater of Air cM RiH and Trial Dolores Divin Over the Rhine 1 Headline 1 1 Doodkorkere A Crrhtra A 1230 Orchestra The ion of the irt Woman stuck out hi cheat and strutted cnee Truly the history 0 am 30 am 3 am am :30 am am am ID nm pm DO nm 1 pm Almanac for Sun rises at 5:09 a ni Moon ntotily S' GO 7 15 Al Lrmxr uid 7 Chmbr of Corrmrr 0 wi Vsoxhn 1'h ray and RramotU This two companions watching from the seclu sion of the wood saw the woman clutch frantical ly at a feathered shaft sticking into her and then Tugmen Hold Meeting Tonight The local lodge ot the Licensed Tugmen's Protective Association will hold a special meeting tonight at 8 in the Veterans of oreign Wars Building 25th Street according to Capt rank Moore secretary There will be special business uf im portance up for consideration Capt Moore said It is also likely that some memorial action will be taken on the death of Joseph Normand president of the lodge who was bur ied yesterday Notice to Mariners SAINT MARYS Middle Lighted Buoy 11 changed to flashing every 3 seconds flash 03 second duration of 70 candlepower LAKE SUPERIOR Sand Hills Light Intensity of light and characteristic changed Light is 46 000 candlepower characteristic flash OR second eclipse 6 9 seconds flash 06 second eclipse 219 seconds No other change LAKE SUPERIOR THUNDER Port Arthur Buoy to be established without further notice A red wooden spar buoy will be es tablished off the southwest end of the submerged portion ot the rubble mound breakwater about 4100 feet Lower lakes Wind mostly moderate souiliwest partly cloudy Saturday UJUMiy lU'JUTHlf exeunt somewhn Superior: partly cloudy he the two When they reached the 4 Beer Parade 4 15 Lndt Tno and Whle 5 Waldorf Atona Geonre Shoile xylophonist 5 BawbalJ resume Pine Pan Maklny Our Hizhways :30 am am Min :30 pm (k) rm 560 pm 5:30 lm BY ROBERT 5 STEPHAN Radin Editor 'Jean temperature Normal temperature ExceM nt temp thin month to date Accumulated excess amew Jan 1 Total preci 24 hour ended Except nf precin thi month to date Accumulated mccm aince Jan 1 alone missiles hanging at her girdle That her undoing Even as her fingers unloosed CLEVELAND May 13 (United state Department of Agriculture) CATTLE Reel 200 head Aram theleer clearance aa incomplete hut there a evidence uf lability in the price lit that factor not hhstandmK Other market had Indicated in report that al lean temporarily downturn had len checked and that the uual bottum hn el adjutd twnU were und rway which i only an other wiv of indicating that seller L'cally tell ahrhtly mor antimituir Alihourh few more cattle than the trade cuuIT handle prevented more than an around nieady price basis sellers stood their tmutid on idunj price and Rurcoeded hi movlmr scattered load nf medium livhl ixetrhl material at 525 to 5535 Small package and odd head lot earned upward to 55S5 while kind Id attractive to killers in cluding a load ut meaty ycnrlinx weiebts remained unsold and bull featured the scarcity which ha grown to be charac teristic ot recent week ends 6:1 Amheim a drehestr in Second Attempt SUNNYVALE Cal May (A P) navy dirigible Akron landed at the West Coast Naval Base here at 6:55 tn 9:55 Eastern Stand ard Tlpici tonight completing Its transcontinental journey begun from Lakehurst Jf last Sunday Success attended the aecond at tempt of the great craft to moor landing crews were left waiting after the first try failed circled to the to the Two manned the attached to the port and starboard lines Plans to land the Akron earlier in the day were reported as unsafe owing to the static greatly increasing the gaa ex panaion and making the ship far ton buoyant to land without danger The Akron which glided over the bay area throughout the day was witnessed by crowds estimated at 5OjpO songs over The old songs win Sargent Buffalo mde Arnveo: 5 no tn 425 to pper lakuB Wind JMjUinWPM on quiet and the two Alali came from their hid place Running to the son of the irst Worn they watched him wrench the arrow from heart Stunned with surprise they looked at dead she with expressions of disbelief and then at their victorious companion with awe and reverence Cnralia RumoII Buuercup Lake Dalton Detroit yuar Su The woman unaccustomed to having her rights challenged by mere man was filled with surprise and righteous anger Her surprise brought her to a sudden halt twenty paces from the man and her anger caused her to reach for one of the in Threads Among the Maggie $225 Lam Medium tPl 100 lbs) medium tn choice Common 4S I 3 4 7 6 the feathered messenger of death from the leather thong of her girdle the son of the irst Woman drew an arrow to his check and released it by WTAM xva difficulties with the Chorus helped in that moon ray experiment on Cities last night Pitter Patter Al Jolson is flirting with NBC Band will be heard over WJZ Net and WGAR tomorrow night at 11 Lakewood High Quartet Andrew Carpenter bari tone and Mildred Miller pianist of Lakewood entertain Wednesday at 6 WJAY Art new band and Ken Carr vocalist open at Golden Pheasant at noon Satur day May 28 with WHK broadcast ing Bev William Kane of St Patrick's Catholic Church Youngs town speaks on the CBS Church of the Air a week from tomorrow at 1:30 The St Patrick's Boys Choir and William Welsh organist will also be heard WKBN Youngs town will probably handle the broad cast Buttercup? Lake Kyttlr? Leopold Detroiter OATS No 3 white No 2 23 20c HAY No 1 timothy $10 00 No 2 timo thy $800 No 3 timothy $600 No 1 mixed VO OOt 1 heavy mixed $1000 M'KAU' Dr Common Baer who is 111 of pneumonia said yesterday that be behoved Judge condition was somewhat im proved and that he had seen "no cause for Judge Baer went home two week ago with a cold which developed into innuenza and on Tuesday into bronchial pneumonia probably not be taken to a hospital ir castle said There are day night nurses at the Baer home Dr Castle said bronchial pnej monia does not develop a crisis as is usual in lobar pneumonia fw and hoice ColoJido woolrd outsiders: plain kinds and spnnv iiiinus sheep and I ani Day at 7:30 (RAIN LOUR ANO (Quotation ar fiirntheri land Grain and hay Exchange lornheM and oat iincee are per bushf mil) fede and hsy per ton and flour ver barrel) 'LALA Second ruilinr No 1 medium $12Hi Nn 3 yellow xwJUhic No 2 36 37c New red winter No 1 car lots Ships sailing the Great Lakes largest of inland waters are sur rounded with practically every device known to science to make navigation safe or at least to reduce the pos sibility of accidents to a minimum Vessel owners have been in the fore front In this work They have in stalled on the ships radio com passes direction finders and radio equipment to receive and send wire less messages The United States government be cause of this fact has also not lagged behind in Its work Estab lishment of 32 radiobeacons at light houses and on lightships on the Great Lakes within the comparative ly short time of nine years is indi cated by the latest edition of the Great Lakes radiobeacon chart just issued by the lighthouse service With the commissioning of the new stations at Sandusky since the be ginning of the year and the assem bling of equipment for a radiobeacon at Rochester the Great Lakes beacons have reached a point where they afford very substantial protec tion to shipping in American waters The new chart which is intended for posting in the pilot houses of operating on the lakes gives the operating schedules of all radio beacons both American and Cana dian or ease in identifying the stations the code characteristic is given on chart below the name of the station You and I Me Call You Irish Upon seeing the huge Alali turned in flight safety of close growing timber they paused and looked back They saw with consternation their fellow had not fled butwas facing the she defiantly motioning her to go or be killed Such stupidity Never had they known one of their males to defy their all powerful females knew she would take but one creature that one unlucky male Republic Iron ft Steel Co (now the Republic Steel Corp was able to effect large savings in plant opera tion when it took over entire owner ship of Trumbull Cliffs urnace Co in 1929 Charles Elliott manager of the Republic works at Warren testified yesterday at the hearing of the suit against Re public He said Ravings of from $150000 to 5170000 a year In the cost of power were made The suit asks the setting aside of the contract by which Republic ac quired the half interest in the fur nace owned by the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co It is being heard the Republic Steel board room in the Union Trust Building before former Appellate Judge Charles A Nlman referee for Common Deas Court Elliott who testified for the de fense said that the Trumbull CHffs furnace was one of the best In the world this was such a good furnace can you tell me why it make any David Wilkin coun pel for the stockholders asaea cross examination said Elliott Corliss Sullivan chairman the board of the Central United Dank and a director of Rcpubic Wysor Republic vice president in charge of operations and air less Republic first vice president and former president of Central Alloys Steel Co testified for the defense that they were members of a com mittee which investigated the pur chase of the furnace Interest last summer All said that they considered the transaction advantageous to Republic at the time It was made The hearing was adjourned until Monday morning Cyrus Eaton will be the first witness tor the fense then William Belden fense attorney told the court Today's radio attractions recall those old time Saturday carnivals with their varied appeal hear the birds sing early thia morning if you dial WTAM's Sunup broadcast at 6:30 a The station will have mlka In great orchard which sur rounds its transmitter Brecksville and the chatter of hundreds of birds "will be faded in and out of the organ music to be supplied by Doc Whipple WTAM will continue this program for a week This Edmund Cook National Museum from Brecksville Crotley WHK announces that beginning to night at 8 the station will carry from WLW Cincinnati the Crowley ol lies a variety broadcast popular down state pat Harrington former WTAM tenor Is in the cast Pro gram also features a burlesque called the Network' inis be a weekly feature Kats to Network Starting next week Al Katz band hit Cleveland handling band will 64 degrees from Port Arthur Harbor main light Cleveland Port Iht MAY 13 Hty of Cleveland Deitoit pass mdae A Patmore Detroit lijht Sumatra Buffalo cetnn LockwH Port Colbome HehL Gorman Buffalo nde MAY 13 nty of Cleveland Detroit pass mdse Detroiter Detroit sugar Supreme Toledo oil Lockwell lizht A Patmore Detroit oil Gorman Duluth mdse Sumatra Petoskey coal ARRIVAI AND SAILINGS LIES TO SICK MOTHER Cliff Henderson Air Race Manager Speeds to Los Angeles Clifford Henderson managing director of the National Air Rapes here was expected In Los Angeles at noon today after a hurried trip by air to the bedside of his mother Mrs Catherine Henderson who is not expected to recover from a serious illness Henderson left Cleveland Airport at 1:20 rn yesterday aboard a Air Lines plane At Omaha Neb his brother Phil who is man aging the second annual Omaha Air Races was to board the plane at 9:15 last night Mrs Henderson who visited Cleve land during the 1929 air races was tu have come here to make her home within a few weeks HUhest wind velocity thirteen mils per hour from the west at 245 TEMPERATURES AT STATED HOURS 59 Weather Government orecast WASHINGTON May 13 Official weaiher I reran fnr Saturday and Sunday Ohio wetTn Pennsylvania and wesUrn Nw' York air and warmer baturday Sunday partly cloudy and warmtr proba bly local inunuer snowers ounuaj cmoon nh'ni Lower Mn hiran Partly cloudy warmer Saturday Sunday unsettled showers and local thunder storms Upper Partly cloudy warmer Saturday Sunday shower Coast disturbance is central 200 miles south uf Yar Soniia ant! innvinz eat Another disturbance is niov EVST THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER 0 06 "6 0 0 0 JUDGE BAER IMPROVES Canxe for Saja Doctor of Pneumonia Patient physician to Pleas Judge George The Atlantic tonight about month Nova northeastward tu cast 'Southeastward with center uwr Manitoba Still another muviiu' eastward uvr northern Hudson Bar and pressure remains low over western Alaska Pressure is htyh off the north Pacific Uoat and it is relatively hish over the Ohio Valley The weather is unseasonably warm in the plains staffs the Missouri and upper Mississippi Valleys and the upper lake rrsnon 2 he weather will be rrnerally fair Satur day and Sunday followed by local ihundt rhowcn Saturday altcrnuon or nLht in the Ohio Valley and th? Inwr lake r'rlnn The temperature will ns quite irenerally during the next two das and it will be considerably above normal Sunday except along the north Atlantic Coast Cleveland Weatner Report The follow data based en observa tions mad at 76th meridian time yesterday are furnthed by the local of flee of the United btatet Weather Bureau Standard Trust Bank Building May 13 1932 Cleveland Station wtwrday Mar 1 4 LISTING IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME Program fiahjwt haac WTAM (1070) (290) Mun Up Pr ie 7 Pe Plant Pete Cheeno Rtudio ti rederick William Wile 6:15 rederick Rich Band fi 30 Do Re Me 6:45 Monon Downey 7:00 St Paul Lutheran hour common riiTCArio Department nt ArricuUurei HorsRect 1 Loot) head including UP WCranr 7:45 pm Lethbridge 7:50 pmElm Bar 5:20 pra Woodruff 1 6: 1 5 pm nnue wertt 1 Ulva Dalton SelkirkArrived No 1 rye SO No 1 whfwt X7 (iff bbiru in less than car Iota In MPltv nriris tf'iar $550 winter $L454fl5 hnrd inter N5 I Oft 530 MILL meal 41 per per cent $1 S50 1 S75: cnttoned meal 43 per cent $1 950 ft 1 975 flour middling $1 K50ft 1 900: standard mid (fling $1700 ft 1750 winter bran SI 7 50 ft 1500: prine bran j) 700 ft 1750: hominy $1350fti 00: rhifen $15 SO: oil meal 34 net cent $3()mft 3ff5O Saracen Truesdale Acadian Aetna Geer 11:45 pm noior Savare Mullen DBHannr cHHouson Mexoll 6 a tn 9 a 5) Iff Noon 54 Highest temperature riday Highest temperature same date Jat Lowest temperature riday UP Pirchton 9:00 am Renvoyl 1 1 am Chamber 12:00 Tomlinson 1:00 pm OSinding '00 pm Packlnr 500 lb) medium and good Slaughter i 1 30 lb) rood inrt choice 340 to Reels 300 head A lack of quality on much of th offering tn make most of the lamb crop unattrac tive to buyers but reduced number in spireq Mime activity shin ti Ki oUnierrly rnrnf in near choice shorn ktnde but there wis nothing available to lest tn top In fact S20U to 150 throw nut description made up their share the run and looked fully steady alomr with the better grades However it was scarcity that made for the activity on such Snrinsrer were more noticeably in demand but cRrce except for a sratterinz medium to good quality at $7 OU to A few choice shorn ewes made Market repnrU 1 (wu More enfnnll Matinee Gem Beer Pand Laurel Choir Akx Orchestra Ladw Next Door JEUnsnn 9 00 nm uenm 1 ItlAU 1 I Seubert 1 2 pm Cedarion 1 am Budd Glenbogie 00 am Grammer 3 nOsm fla Dixie Belles per melon IB tn vlh average mostly $lO6 urding site few best $125 LOCAL MARhMN ASPARAGUS Ohio loose few $125 lh basket SI 5 per doxen bunches best $100tf lo few lower Ohio 14 htt baakelA tupped 5( CUCUMBERS Ohio baskets 2 Is and 30a host mostly I Bn ft I 5 few extra fancy $15 ft 200 lair quality Lake Superior WILLIAM May Cleared Pert Pnl huv'n a vvv icil JC'II Pori Colbome grain Assmiboia Port Me Nieoil gram In port Canadian Hamonic Schupp Soreldoc Manposa Anna Minch DULUTH May 13 Arrived: Kin? mdse Cleared: Joliet light Lake Michigan snUTH CHICAGO May Arrived: idivu: sarreni INDIANA HARBOR May 13 Allen Cleveland light Cowan Superior Hht PASSAGES May 13 Allantic City NE Pt Cldy Botnn Cloudy Pt Chl Charleston P1 Cldy Chicago SW Pl Cldy t'levelnnd Cloudy Cincinnati Cldy SW Cloudy Duluth NE Pt Cldy Erie SW Clear Grand Haven Cloudy Green Ray Clear Jacksonville Pt Cldy Knoxville Clear Louisville SW Cloudy Marquette Pt Cldy Memphis Clear Milwaukee Pt Cldy Montgomery Clear New Orleans SW clear New York SW Pi Cldy Pittsburgh NW Clear Pt Cldy Marie SW Clear Cloudy Clear WEST THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER Denver SE Cloudy Des Moines SW CLar SE Clear Cloudy Kansas City Clear Los Ancrlea SW Pt Cldy Minneapolis Clear Oklahoma City ClearPortland Cloudy Clear Rapid City NE Clear St Louis SE Clear Salt Lake CHy Omidy San Cloudy CANADA NE Cloudy 5S Edmonton NW I lear Kamloops Cloudy Montreal SW ('lear Parry Sound W' Pt Cldy Port Arthur Clear Prince Albert Pt Cldy Pt Cldy KMMLJKH) lbs' medium? (6i "1401) ibi common I Dili lbs) medium lbs) common (65O h5O I 55O fr5u Common Low cutler ami cutter Bull? yearling excluded) in niAhiiin 275 to Reels 300 head Activity under light receipt continued until the end of the week the top in a steady trade remaininr An the $706 line while the bulk th limited vealer ofierlngs went more or Icmi mixed al fe650 downward Kittle however was available under the $5 nt) line again today Killers in fact had hide to par about the level of price as trade comment turned to the probable trend of developments for early next week with expanded numbers ami a fairly well cleared condition local cooler looming as the most likely to bp dominating factor Vealers (milk fed) Good and choice 600 to Medium 500 to and rntnmon 450 tn Red SOO head: holdover none Although having gained only tut Idly from the recently uncovered lows swine values showed no burst of speed at further price improvement In fact most of the crop looked steady hut the top advanced lOn when order buvera attempted to jnvk out only 16Q to 2 Im pound weight al the out side of a $370 to $33) spread on the wider lid to 23i) pnund vuichl range Loral killer were reluctant to pass vie inside of that spread while again paytn $350 to $3 60 rather fnely for 220 fo 3)0 pound sorts the lnide of the latter weight spread being reduced proportion to the success of the outride interests bring able tn close on sorts al the ton Pigs at $350 and much sow at well as stags at $175 were unchanged Light lichl lbs) good and choice Light 160 1 SO lbs) good choice (1 so 200 lb) rood choice Medium (2OO V2U ib) coca I'hnlM (220 250 lb) cood and choice aw weight (256 290 lbs) good and choice (200 350 lbs) cood and choice hot house rj round type 5075c best mrtly 65 ft 7 5c few hoc Rill BARB Ohio 6 to Mb bunches 10ft 25c best mostly 15v2Oc SPIN ACH 10 baskets 65ft 75c TOMATOES Ohio Mb baektis hothouse medium sire brj mntly $150 fair uuahty $140 Isnre and small site test $125 poor $1oo BITTER Extras 21 He: standards 21Uc: Lip prints 2r to 4r a pound higher LIVE hii LTHY l(ew fowl 15ft ICc medium fowls Ififtl7c: Irthom fowl L3 ft lb heavv broilers 2l(23c: dm lift 14r: rr mc Mr nld roosters 10c broilers 17ft 19c Per mnimi: rork tafe 2Oy bn 17ft Ihr Swiss domestic 31 ft d3c Vu( ruin lft lift umbiirsrr 22 imported Swiss fOft55 Extra firts 12Mrc: current receipts 12a 1 2 Top the Morning Laurh Club 4ur Daily ood Col Good body oj Exemi 0 17 Ed Orehsira Dorothy Berliner ptml proudly before his admiring audi it was a momentous occurrence in of the Alali though these three little a did the hundred of giant going to their caves that night in blissful ignorance of the blow that had been struck at their supremacy And just as suddenly LETUt Ohio 10 lb basket bnthuuMr wide range in quality beat pNrr low a orMUSTARD GREENS lb hothouse mi sily 30 ft 35c ONIONS Ohio per do mostlv $100 Ohm Aat hnneh curly type mostly drift fiV fc PARSLEY ROOTS Ohio bu motly 40r 5f)c PARSNIPS Ohm bkef mnUy 35ft 4oc RADI Ohm 2 dt bunch Little Jvk Uttle WGR WKBN Tony's Scrapbook WKBN 9 jwif Parade WKBN Brewer's Band WKBN WGR 1 Saturday WGR 1 Newark Airport WGR 1:30 cloo WGR The folio mg pr)ei were those re reiud tKnig ou the pound basis: 104 1 Ic: lures loftl2e: loins 11 ftlt' hind 1 3 ft 1 5: round 11(0 16c chtmk 12s rtbs 1 4 ft 1 He DKEhED 9 ft Uh feel hams heart () large tenderloin tov pork sansars 15c: frankfurter Id' wiener 12 ft 14c hnlngna 14c: 1 1 LARD Lef In tubi Utmle 15ftllc 22e fnres 12c VEAL Native 9 ft 12c: SMOKED a ms uic ham loft 12 Hr: Little Orphan Annie 5:00 Two Uncles 5:15 Heart 5:30 Orchestra mu 6:15 Ruddy JUges Bind WJ WGY 394) A Landt Too and White WJR John og rty WJR 45 NftiUaj rut the truth WJR 93O Our dailv food WLW UJR KUKA Rhythm Ramblers WJR 1 1 Merris mcQ Quartet WJR Injuries in Traffic Martin A Downs a city fire man for 39 years died yesterday morning at his home 9507 Carton Avenue from complications that ZoHowed injuries received last June when he was struck by an automobile while on traffic duty in front nt Kinsman School Kinsman Rnad and 79th Street Downes returned to duty after the accident but went on sick leave again in March In 1929 he suffered a broken wrist when he was thrown from a fire truck which skidded while nn its way to a Are or the last 32 years Downes had been stationed at Engine Company 26 at Kinsman Road and 79th Street as an engineer His Mrs Catherine Downes two sons Mark and Eugene and two daughters Mrs Buehler and Miss Helen Downes survive uneral services will be at 10 Monday morning at St Catholic Church St Catherine Ave nue and 93d Street Burial will be In Calvary Cemetery 4 Vi Hotel Taft Orchestra ndmn Orebestra WGR fi ijtrk Band WGR WHIUm Wil WGR reddie Rich Band WGR 30 Do Rr Me WGR Laboratory xprurent WGR Vaughn De Leath speaks from aris The a senas nut along a of by wire 10:1 Household IpMiiuu Keys to Haipine 1 1 Beer Pared 11:15 Real George ashintton 1 1 Houeehnld hour 11 He Jaekon Palai I) Or Orchestra lladio Service 50c and Mght LMTED KAIIIO GLeovlUe 17t (f0 126 lb) medium io choice (120 150 lbs) medium to choice (nil weight) cull and nics uneven)? higher: 140 21U Pound $355ft370: top $375 220 to 250 pounds $345ft3 65: 260 io 310 pounds 3325ft 345: pirs packing sows $25ft 300 Light hghta and choice HD tn 1 60 ft 3 0 Hehl vreight 160 in 200 pound $3 55ft 375: medium weight 200 to 250 pounds $345ft375 heavv weight 250 to 350 pounds $320ft3 55: packing sows dnim and good 275 to 5()o pounds (315 pits good and choice 100 to 130 pounds $3 15 ft 350 Gattie 1 000 head: calves reels 500 head hardly enough of any class to make a market: prices generally about in hue with ycrerday: quality plain Slaugh ter cattle and vcalers Stecre good and choice 600 to 100 pound8 35 75ft 725: 900 io 1106 pound S5 75ft 725 1100 to 1 300 pounds $575x735 1300 to 150U pounds $(jO0'735: common and medium 600 to 1300 pounds $425 ft" 575 heifers rood and choice 550 to b50 pound $5 OOft 625 common and medi um $350 ft 500: cows good and choice $350ft475 common and medium $250 ft 350 low cutter and cuttr $1 25ft 250 bull (yearlings excluded) good and choice beef) 300 ft 425: cutler to me dium $2 50ft 310 vealers (milk fed) good and choice $5 00 ft 650: medium $450 ft 500 cull and common $300 ft 4 50 blocker and teener Al 1(1 3 47 5 ft 575 common and medium $350 (fl 4 Reels 61)00 hea mobt bids steady mh lid X6)0 b' $500 ft 525 clipper Mnng: lamb? good and choice 3 00 ft 775 medium $5 50ft 700 common $100 ft 550 lambs pounds down good and choice $500(0 565 medium $4O0ft5OO: Pl to 100 pounds medium to choice $3 75ft 550 all weights common $300 ft 400 exves 90 to 150 pounds mediumto choice $1 ooft 225 all weigh cull and common Hello Marie 2:45 Gofesipcrii Rhythmic Serenade 3 i i xtay ce 4 :0 I 4:15 Preakne Slakes Piano Man Rrthin' imhIM :35 En cmble Dan'r ighter :30 Ben Ensemble (io Brer Parade :1 Marie Violin irt Nichter (in pr parade 9:15 Tiny Sone Album 9:30 Twenty mrcrs of Harmony 9:45 McCravy Brothers Andy Mildred rhire Refers Eskimo 11:00 jack Oo hrtra 1 1 30 Old Timer jollification MIDNIGHT Paul Simmon Orchestra A 12:30 Old Bay Loft WJAY (610) (491) A uslcal Clock 6:15 Elaine and 0:30 Crazv Crystal: exercises Breakfast Club Yodelmg Pete 1 5 City Don Band Organ Moods: Yodehng Tele 9:00 Roth Bret hers 9:15 Ensemble Coxv Crystals 9:45 A Book and a Pipe H) elody Parade 1 1 :00 Honolulu String Trio 11:15 program 11:45 Tilton's Kiddie oj Bobby Chapman 2 1 5 Bill ay en 0 reh es a 1 lift The Serenades Lisbon (0) program 1 :30 Euclid Lyndhurst program 1 :45 2:00 Bobby Orchestra just Marnea :00 Ensemble :15 Dance Orchestra Rcbrrt Johnson 4:00 Chick Orchestra 4: Chick Hackett a Orchestra 4:3" Vernon Craig 4 15 anderere 5:00 Karl and Kenny GiOO Monroeville Mak Chorus Other Chain Station NBC 660 7 454) addles 1 5 ft 1 pfe ha on sherd 12 ft 21c a lb: boiled and baked hams 21 29c 2 Troubadour WJR 2 smrinr Stnnr WJR KDKU Amo Andy WLW KDKA fl: 30 reetuL Kotnr' Ennbl 9 Snoop Peep WJL slumber music It) Xp WJR CBS :00 am 1 5 am :25 am :45 am Savage Ten 12:00 2:00 pm Cant WiJ sun nm Trajan 5:30 pm Coalhavcn 535 pm Grab Bar 2:30 arm and Home hour 1 :30 Johnston Ensemble Rnth E'tmg ind 15 Public 9:4 Street bnrr 10 Band jft Dmo Marathon MadrtgnerV Band 1 1 Band Avciiffe Hall 12:30 tm Clement 1:30 sm Bever 2:35 am Huntley 240am Pye Chief 5:00 am arrandoc 40 am Damta 0:00 am Kling 13:30 pm PORT DOWN Chi Tribal 1:50 am Cyc vr 1:20 pm Emperor 3 15 pm find the WEA Net out of twice a week with WTAM the programs Katz and be heard at noon on Mon days for a half hour and for hour at noon on Wednesdays Morse Tributes NBC's tribute tn Samuel Morse inventor of the telegraph has been shifted hack to its original time 1 this afternoon Guglielmo Marconi speaks from Rome David Sarnoff talks from New York Leila Livingston Morse granddaughter of the inventor will be heard from Washington and Mrs Leila Morse Rummel KO year old daughter of the inventor CBS tribute at 7 the first Morse message beam of lipht instead from New York University The Preakness When Burgoo King Kentucky Der by winner starts tn the Preakness at Pimlico this afternoon both WHK and WGAR will carry descriptions WHK will be on the air at 4 end WGAR at 4:15 That Beer Parade A swarm of announcers are due to describe Mayor Jimmy beer parade in New York from all angles today with descriptions com ing national chains and WTAM WHK and WGAR here De scriptions begin about 11 this morn ing and continue at intervals throughout the day More Today Arthur Haas interviews Dr Guy Williams superintendent of the Cleveland State Hospital in a new time snot 7 going to dramatize the life of Clark Gable Chio movie nero WHK Lou Or chestra plays at 9:15 WHK The Brush High Melody Boys and orchestra and Oviatt mayor of Euclid appear at 1:30 WJAY The Monroeville Male Chorus offers a concert at 6 WJAY Old Songs" Win The CBS program Today and Yes terday takes a three week vote which brings 6 000 replies on popu larity of old and nexx radio was the only new tune in the first seven choices which follow order Young Man River End of a Perfect Late Notes When the British Broadcasting Corp moves from Savoy Hill into its new Ixmdon quarters you'll hear about it from overseas at 5:30 this afternoon WGAR Gene Warner is at Pimlico today to report the Preakness for Canfield Agnes Anderson former WHK crooner made a guest appearance at WKBN Youngstown recently and is thinking of New York An attempt to broadcast a talk by Mrs Herbert Hoover from Wooster this morning is thwarted by time WHK is dickering St Hungarian While loyd Gibbons 21 nrrhre Amheim Urehestr 2 Mufteai Prosrara 2 serkatarr Hkin 3 Bradley Kioraid 3 Varsity Qiaruk UP 7 :50 rm $:20 pm 5:45 pm 10:15 pm Paradise ot Sony fl 45 Gold be nr 7:00 or Bridze 7:15 Radio Education 7 Nlcht Hub ffffwi George Band lu Ru Cojumbo 10:15 Merle Thune 10:30 (enrMene Gordon 10 45 Ral Street Nifht 1 1 Mijbby Gordon Buddy Rotrere Band 11 30 Herb C)reherA MH 'NIGHT Gonz Orcheetra A Al Katzs Band WHK (1390) (215) A 0:40 ExrreDPs 7:00 Time Clock Devon on Ken and Jimmy :45 Sxi of out of docre Over the coffee CUP 9:15 hrm in the Home 9:21 Army Band 9:35 Salon (JrcheUra lftO0 Adventures ot Helen and Mary Revue 10 :4 Transcription 11 :0 Studio nd Taft Orchestra Armand Vetrey'a Orrhetra 12:45 Kay Kyser orchestra 1 02 Sonr Parade 2:00 Bnton Variety hour 3 Vincent Percy organ Paliade ureheMra 4 Preakness Stakes 4 30 Hotel Taft Orchestra f'onnie Boswell 5:00 Baseball reume Dinner music ball scores 6 30 Happy Repairmen 6:45 Merton Downey 7:00 Arthur Haas art talk 7:15 Abe Lyman' Band 7:30 of movie stars Phil Barker ollies Audition program Ruth httimr obtiKrei i band Indianachamber music Nut Houre TxuieRdlv CulHfnn's rir hAtr 11:30 kay Band MIDNIGHT Orran reouet program WGAR (1450) (207) :00 Two ('Id Janitor Exereieea :15 Two Old Janitors Waltze Dance Kinrr Beautiful Thoughts :15 Morning Serenade 00 hint Melndv 9nr Horney Chat? 10:00 Hou hold talk 10 15 Hour Pat Bame 1 1 Onranolopy Beer Parade BY 1 WKBB lorida grapefruit prfers were high at th Saturday morning galea ot the Consolidated ruit Auction the peak being $4 20 a box The aeaaon for fruit from that state is drawing to a eloae No great quantity has gone Into cold hence available stock will be exhausted earlier than usual this summer Texas grapefruit shipments have erased California raspberries have made their appearance here In twelve pint crates which are selling at around240 a crate Watermelon prices slumped under a slow demand for the first car lot of Dixie Belles from lorida California salmon tint variety of eantaloupe were Inactive a few sales ot Jumbos 45 to a crate being at J12 00 Pony crates of 54 melons brought $900 Nineteen cars of strawberries were on track and stocks in stores and the markets were rather plentiful and prices low lettuce was abundant over 30 cars being reported No Kentucky kale was offered Sales at the Consolidated ruit Auction were 23 cars as follows: California oranges 9 cars $150 to $240 a box California lemons two cars $305 to $470 a box lorida oranges 3 cars $300 to $160 a box apples 3 cars 65 cents $100 a box lorida grapefruit two cars $175 to $4 20 a box pineapples 5 cars $1 50 to $250 a box California cherries 150 boxes $2 10 to $355 a box A car lot of lorida Tom Watson variety of watermelons Is due here today Da arrival will probably send prices to lower levels At the week end retail prices of foods shifted up and down on a 50 50 basis numerically speaking Cucumbers grapefruit oranges pineapples and lemons were higher and cherries eggs onions snap beans dressed chickens tomatoes rhubarb and potatoes sold lower Good California cherries are costing consumers around 40 a pound Hothouse cukes are a dime and best lemons which gained cents a box are around 35 cents a doren Snap beans dropped one dol lar a hamper rm ITS AM) A KlbrAHIES Price quoted rrprratil sal' nt larue loi on wholesale bais by onviinl rci eiv at Northern f'hio bond terminal tonbbr or lare buyer snd reported the New Service of the Bureau of Acricultursl United Slates Do narimmt ot Agriculture On track 9 'rs Cold toraffn bu basket: Ohtn I Baldwins 3100ft 110 I mu iibtib n't'i xjcsivx tehee Vou CXplz I Itih Baldwins br mostly SlJHft 1 35i fair condllinn $125 cotubmatiun 1 and utility 2 14 inch Baldwins 1 tn) ft 11 5 bet mostly $110 ft 11 ARTICHOKES California box' very few $2 25ft ASPARAGUS On track 2 rare Grorm standard pvrsmid crnie dozen bunebra hrire Mir mostly 3200 medium tre $1 50ftl75 small tu vry email $1 00o 125 rin trak 1 rar Imports iwr lb brat 4ljr poorer lower wrapped 4 Sr redc BEANS (SNAP) C)n track 4 rar Hor id i bu hampr $130ft 200 3250ft 300 poorer lower Tomiana bu rutid $l5t ft200 brt mnt $1 75ft 200 wax 25oft2o tew BETH Tens cralt bunched Iv 31 50ft 175: few 3140 0 0 California 1 crate bunched few sale $100: T'xaa crate bunched ordinary quality 3L0U ft 225 On track 9 rare Trxa rn lottuce crate flat typ lfW ft 1 50 poor quality $2t0ft 300 red lew saK 3300 Mississippi Pointed tvpr western lettuce mrtly $125 approximately 60 1b nony crate motlr $3 00 Alabama avprnxltuaiely ino crates flat tym poor to urdi narr mostlv 3350 California almon lint v'rr few sab 4umbo 45 $12) stand ard 45 $1100: nony 54s $900 I)n track 8 ears western lettuce crate bunched 53m ft 325 poorer pale color Tex 18 XJ rratr bunched $1 1 5) lb sack topped and washed few On track 1 ear Califor nia crates 11 and 12 On track 5 rare Honda Uh inch crate individually washed and in dividually washed and pre cnob 6 and few 4s $300 ft 325: best mpailv $3 25' poor condition nw a $200 tnntlv B30U: tew 25: than 10 dozen mostly tahfornia 22 24 inch crate 3s and 4 fair nuabtv $175200 hothouse 24 and bt P15 lew fins nnalitv 200 fair uuallb' lorula 1'j bu cratr pen rrallr pood quality medium nc oust $2 250 1MHVH Imported boxes mostly per lb Arpeiitine Juts Almenas fewales $2110 Missouri snnroximately Itio Ib bll $1023 Kentucky bu baskets no sales rr ported On track 32 rare California crate Icebcnr type wide ranue in dual ity and condition of stock rmcrallv lair tn ordinary nuahtv and condition he yr 5 best mostly $275ft30o very few best quality hlch a $325 showinr katv $2 25ft250 poor condition low as $25 Bs $200 ft 250 poor condition low Ohio 1 lb cartons medi um 25ft 30e button 2c opns Oc MUSTARD GREENS bu hi krt and l6 crates bunched few sa rs 5)ft 75e Kentucky bu basket no aies reported tl ONIONS On trick 7 care Texa 50 lb vcllvw Bermudas and white 1 mostly $135 very Jexv $140 commercial mostly JLloft few lisrhtly higher few $110 Trxa craffre plain ypr few sales $175: LottlMatui tu lasketj plain and curly type fair quality $100 EAJL On track 2 cars California bu hampers $2 05ft 27 I I 't nrc lAUll 1 rri i vn is bu crate? various vanetice cenrtauy rood qualitv medium to lance tnostlv tlit) tew $t2f fair quality medium trr $2506 275 poorer small site $150 21'0 POT On track 2: car Maine 100 1b sack 1 Green Mountain best motlv $125 lair condition $11': Micliipan 100 1b sacks rural $100110 New York 120 lb sacks 1 round whites mostly $130 Idaho 10l lb sacks II 1 russet Burbank few sale larpe sir $170 17) medunnize 25 lb sack few best 45c: New York Ohm J'nnnsyJvama sricked per bu round whiten partly traded bct mostly 60 ft 63c very few Trnnntih ffc lew Texas lOO lb nm11y S350ft3 frw fine quality $385 50 Ibsarks HUI IK a a Hod (fflIIir 1 1' 3350ft375: 1 IH inch minimum few sales 300 On track 2 enr Pu basket Savoy type Arkanatre Kentucky mostly 75c: Mimiri 75ft 90e BTRA On track 19 care 24 qt era lee Arkansas Klondyke ctnerallv Rood condition bcm $275ftLL show ing soft low a $200 Aromas ernerally pond condition S3 DO ft 300 Alabama icinna ne few Klondykes uenertlly irHd eorulitinn $275 ft 325 fair quality and condition $223ft25O 1 few mnldv $200 Aromas $300 ft 3 50 bcm nmtlv fair quality and con dition $250 ft 275 SWEET On track 2 ear Louisiana 50db crates: Ricans house stored bo ft 90c few si 0 Nnw Jersey bu hampers i ier soy type h0UM stored mostly $LH5 TOMATOES On track care Mexico lues ripe and turninsr vrappetL Ox and larrrr best 5 UD ft few showlnsr soft $2)ft s5: 8 lb bas kets repacked extra fancy $125 fancy bM SloOft ft por plains 63ft r5c lOlh flat 'MP i it i 1 On track 1 car Mis1esibPl bn bas'ret bunched $11 ft 12: luriun tops MlretMippi crates bunched few 75c Kentucky bu baskets no Array Band 9:15 Public Affairs Institute IS ctret SiQrr GrrheMra i)3iMdrirurV Band 1 1 Specht Band Merits Orhtra Rolland Ball Room A Td Band Other Stations AKRON WAPC 13201 2271 A crapbook Sours of the out of doors Melody Parade 9:15 Army Band Nw World Salon Orehtra Adventures at Helen and Mary Smile Sons 10:45 Rvue 1 100 Studio Hotel Taft Orchestra 12:30 Juvenile hour Chi Saturday Syncnpator 1 Newark Airport 1 :3) Salon Orchestra Boston variety hour 3:00 Ann Leaf orzan 3:30 Palisade Orchestra 4 Presknea Stake 4 30 Hotel Taft Oreheetra Sultana am airiake 9:30 am Taylor 9:50 am Earleseliffe Hall 11:15 am SAULT STE Jos Block 7:00 pm Pioneer :00 pm Westmount 9 00 pm Biyton am Befvoir SAULT STE MARIE DOWN Ike Erie BUALO May 13 Arrived: Sultana Crescent City Detroit sum: Sir Thomas Shiurhngy Hebard on William rram Ewfo Milwaukee grain I I No 102 New York light Cleared: Hubbard Ashtabula liht tug Colorado ami barges Erie sul phur Sultana wpgo autos: Jack Du luth mde Crowley Chicago md LORAIN May Arrived: Bo land itzrraid light Cleared: Gilchrist coal SANDUSKY May 13 Arrived: Easton NoniHup Montreal licht Coalhaven Erie light Pelee Kingsville Leamington and Pelee Island pass and mdse Cleared: Easton Northton ort William coal: loalhaven Arahcreibrx coal: Pel Pelee Island Leaminxion and Kinrsvill pass and mdse ERIE May 13 Arrived: Novador Montreal lisht Hydro Sandusky luhl: Dick Cleveland sand Cleared: Novadrx: Montreal craltl: Hy dro Buffalo light Dick Cleveland sand ASHTABULA May Arrived: Mait land Port Maitland mdse: Ashtabula Port Burwell mdse Chiraco Tribune Thnrold iicht Emperor Kingston hirht Hub bard Buffalo lixhl Coalhaven Port Mait land hirht neared: Maitland Port Maitland mdse Ashtabula Port Burwell mdse: Chicago Tribune Montreal coal: Emperor Hamil ton coal Hubbard Milwaukee coal: Coalhavcn Sandwich coal TOLEDO Mar 13 Arrived: Coralia Philip Minch West Leopold 1 1 4x Tv Kyttle pre me Cleared: Savaee A Lelie Coralia nuMs esi uajiaarer Dalton 00 Gene and Glenn WGY Devotion WGY Breen and lcR ise WGY 00 Banjoleers WWJ IVGY BUck and Gold Orchestra WWJ 3 15 Orchestra WUJ WG 515 WakiirU uteris WGY wwj 6:00 Reer Parade 1 1 :45 rru 1 1:45 pm am 1 :00 am 1 50 am 3:50 am 4 45 am Cleared MACKINAW UP Cowan 5:20 pm Mcarland 7:40 a 12:00 pm itch 12:10 nm Seubert 5:10 am I Orr 12:10 pro MACKINAW DOWN Penobscot fit 50 am pm I Dalw arnic 4:15 pm Huron 4:00 am Calm: cWr PORT HURON May 13 Down: Crirm 10:20 a Wind west liaht: clear PORT UP pm 7:00 pm acts al rise at 1 mt ret at 1WX RK Burroughs inc All rhU referred 'W A JP3L ''vW 8 am 12:27 rm pm Barometer (rei level) 3tiii2 30 06 20 95 T'tnp (dry bulb) 56 62 Temp (wet bulb) 46 51 52 Humidity 81 71 51 Precipitation 0 0 Wind direction NW tv Wind velocity Weather Clear Clear Cloudy 2 5.
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